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AFTER the death of Brynhild were made two bales, one for Sigurd, and that was first burned; but Brynhild was burned on the other, and she was in a chariot hung about with goodly hangings.

And so folk say that Brynhild drave in her chariot down along the way to Hell, and passed by an abode where dwelt a certain giantess, and the giantess spake:—

“Nay, with my goodwill

Never goest thou

Through this stone-pillared

Stead of mine!

More seemly for thee

To sit sewing the cloth,

Than to go look on

The love of another.

“What dost thou, going

From the land of the Gauls,

O restless head,

To this mine house?

Golden girl, hast thou not,

If thou listest to hearken,

In sweet wise from thy hands

The blood of men washen?”


“Nay, blame me naught,

Bride of the rock-hall,

Though I roved a warring

In the days that were;

The higher of us twain

Shall I ever be holden

When of our kind

Men make account.”


“Thou, O Brynhild,

Budli's daughter,

Wert the worst ever born

Into the world:

For Giuki's children

Death hast thou gotten,

And turned to destruction

Their goodly dwelling.”


“I shall tell thee

True tale from my chariot,

O thou who naught wottest,

If thou listest to wot;

How for me they have gotten

Those heirs of Giuki,

A loveless life,

A life of lies.

“Hild under helm,

The Hlymdale people,

E'en those who knew me,

Ever would call me.

“The changeful shapes

Of us eight sisters,

The wise king bade

Under oak-tree to bear:

Of twelve winters was I,

If thou listest to wot,

When I sware to the young lord

Oaths of love.

“Thereafter gat I

Mid the folk of the Goths,

For Helmgunnar the old,

Swift journey to Hell,

And gave to Aud's brother

The young, gain and glory;

Whereof overwrath

Waxed Odin with me.

“So he shut me in shield-wall

In Skata grove,

Red shields and white

Close set around me;

And bade him alone

My slumber to brake

Who in no land

Knew how to fear.

“He set round my hall,

Toward the south quarter,

The Bane of all trees

Burning aloft;

And ruled that he only

Thereover should ride

Who should bring me the gold

O'er which Fafnir brooded.

“Then upon Grani rode

The goodly gold-strewer

To where my fosterer

Ruled his fair dwelling.

He who alone there

Was deemed best of all,

The War-lord of the Danes,

Well worthy of men.

“In peace did we sleep

Soft in one bed,

As though he had been

Naught but my brother:

There as we lay

Through eight nights wearing,

No hand in love

On each other we laid.

“Yet thence blamed me, Gudrun,

Giuki's daughter,

That I had slept

In the arms of Sigurd;

And then I wotted

As I fain had not wotted,

That they had bewrayed me

In my betrothals.

“Ah! for unrest

All too long

Are men and women

Made alive!

Yet we twain together

Shall wear through the ages,

Sigurd and I—

—Sink adown, O giant-wife!”

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