SCENE IV. [Another part of the forest.]


Bel. A heaviness near death sits on my brow,

And I must sleep. Bear me, thou gentle bank,

For ever, if thou wilt. You sweet ones all, [Lies down.]

Let me unworthy press you; I could wish

I rather were a corse strew'd o'er with you

Than quick above you. Dulness〖Sleepiness.〗 shuts mine eyes,

And I am giddy: oh, that I could take

So sound a sleep that I might never wake! [Sleeps.]


Phi. I have done ill; my conscience calls me false,

To strike at her what would not strike at me.

When I did fight, methought I heard her pray

The gods to guard me. She may be abus'd,

And I a loathed villain, if she be,

She will conceal who hurt her. He has wounds

And cannot follow; neither knows he me.

Who's this? Bellario sleeping! If thou be'st

Guilty, there is no justice that thy sleep

Should be so sound, and mine, whom thou hast wrong'd,

So broken. Cry within. Hark! I am pursued. You gods

I'll take his offer'd means of my escape.

They have no mark to know me but my blood,

If she be true; if false, let mischief light

On all the world at once! Sword, print my wounds

Upon this sleeping boy! I ha' none, I think,

Are mortal, nor would I lay greater on thee. Wounds BELLARIO.

Bel. Oh, death, I hope, is come! Blest be that hand!

It meant me well. Again, for pity's sake!

Phi. I have caught myself; Falls.

The loss of blood hath stay'd my flight. Here, here,

Is he that struck thee: take thy full revenge;

Use me, as I did mean thee, worse than death;

I'll teach thee to revenge. This luckless hand

Wounded the princess; tell my followers〖Pursuers.〗

Thou didst receive these hurts in staying me,

And I will second thee; get a reward.

Bel. Fly, fly, my lord, and save yourself!

Phi. How's this?

Wouldst thou I should be safe?

Bel. Else were it vain

For me to live. These little wounds I have

Ha' not bled much. Reach me that noble hand;

I'll help to cover you.

Phi. Art thou then true to me?

Bel. Or let me perish loath'd! Come, my good lord,

Creep in amongst those bushes; who does know

But that the gods may save your much-lov'd breath?

Phi. Then I shall die for grief, if not for this,

That I have wounded thee. What wilt thou do?

Bel. Shift for myself well. Peace! I hear'em come.

[PHILASTER creeps into a bush.]

[Voices] within. Follow, follow, follow! that way they went.

Bel. With my own wounds I'll bloody my own sword.

I need not counterfeit to fall; Heaven knows

That I can stand no longer. Falls.


Pha. To this place we have track'd him by his blood.

Cle. Yonder, my lord, creeps one away.

Dion. Stay, sir! what are you?

Bel. A wretched creature, wounded in these woods

By beasts. Relieve me, if your names be men,

Or I shall perish.

Dion. This is he, my lord,

Upon my soul, that hurt her. 'Tis the boy,

That wicked boy, that serv'd her.

Pha. Oh, thou damn'd

In thy creation! What cause couldst thou shape

To hurt the princess?

Bel. Then I am betrayed.

Dion. Betrayed! No, apprehended.

Bel. I confess,

(Urge it no more) that, big with evil thoughts

I set upon her, and did take my aim,

Her death. For charity let fall at once

The punishment you mean, and do not load

This weary flesh with tortures.

Pha. I will know

Who hir'd thee to this deed.

Bel. Mine own revenge.

Pha. Revenge! for what?

Bel. It pleas'd her to receive

Me as her page, and, when my fortunes ebb'd,

That men strid o'er them careless, she did shower

Her welcome graces on me, and did swell

My fortunes till they overflow'd their banks,

Threat'ning the men that crossed'em; when, as swift

As storms arise at sea, she turn'd her eyes

To burning suns upon me, and did dry

The streams she had bestow'd, leaving me worse

And more contemn'd that other little brooks,

Because I had been great. In short, I knew

I could not live, and therefore did desire

To die reveng'd.

Pha. If tortures can be found

Long as thy natural life, resolve to feel

The utmost rigour.

Cle. Help to lead him hence.

PHILASTER creeps out of the bush.

Phi. Turn back, you ravishers of innocence!

Know ye the price of that you bear away

So rudely?

Pha. Who's that?

Dion. 'Tis the Lord Philaster.

Phi. 'Tis not the treasure of all kings in one,

The wealth of Tagus, nor the rocks of pearl

That pave the court of Neptune, can weigh down

That virtue. It was I that hurt the princess.

Place me, some god, upon a pyramis〖Pyramid.〗

Higher than hills of earth, and lend a voice

Loud as your thunder to me, that from thence

I may discourse to all the under-world

The worth that dwells in him!

Pha. How's this?

Bel. My lord, some man

Weary of life, that would be glad to die.

Phi. Leave these untimely courtesies, Bellario.

Bel. Alas he's mad! Come, will you lead me on?

Phi. By all the oaths that men ought most to keep,

And gods to punish most when men do break,

He touch'd her not.—Take heed, Bellario,

How thou dost drown the virtues thou hast shown

With perjury.—By all that's good, 'twas I!

You know she stood betwixt me and my right.

Pha. Thy own tongue be thy judge!

Cle. It was Philaster.

Dion. Is't not a brave boy?

Well, sirs, I fear me we were all deceived.

Phi. Have I no friend her?

Dion. Yes.

Phi. Then show it: some

Good body lend a hand to draw us nearer.

Would you have tears shed for you when you die?

Then lay me gently on his neck, that there

I may weep floods and breathe forth my spirit.

'Tis not the wealth of Plutus, nor the gold [Embraces BEL.]

Lock'd in the heart of earth, can buy away

This arm-full from me; this had been a ransom

To have redeemed the Great Augustus Cæsar,

Had he been taken. You hard-hearted men,

More stony than these mountains, can you see

Such clear pure blood drop, and not cut your flesh

To stop his life, to bind whose bitter wounds,

Queens ought to tear their hair, and with their tears

Bathe 'em?—Forgive me, thou that art the wealth

Of poor Philaster!

Enter KING, ARETHUSA, and Guard

King. Is the villain ta'en?

Pha. Sir, here be two confess the deed; but sure

It was Philaster.

Phi. Question it no more;

It was.

King. The fellow that did fight with him,

Will tell us that.

Are. Aye me! I know he will.

King. Did not you know him?

Are. Sir, if it was he,

He was disguis'd.

Phi. I was so. Oh, my stars,

That I should live still. Aside.

King. Thou ambitious fool,

Thou that hast laid a train for thy own life!—

Now I do mean to do, I'll leave to talk.

Bear them to prison.

Are. Sir, they did plot together to take hence

This harmless life; should it pass unreveng'd,

I should to earth go weeping. Grant me, then,

By all the love a father bears his child,

Their custodies, and that I may appoint

Their tortures and their deaths.

Dion. Death! Soft; our law will not reach that for this fault.

King. 'Tis granted; take 'em to you with a guard.—

Come, princely Pharamond, this business past,

We may with more security go on

To your intended match.

[Exeunt all except DION, CLEREMONT, and THRASILINE.]

Cle. I pray that this action lose not Philaster the hearts of the people.

Dion. Fear it not; their over-wise heads will think it but a trick.


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