SCENE III. [Another part of the forest. ]


Are. Where am I now? Feet, find me out a way.

Without the counsel of my troubled head.

I'll follow you boldly about these woods,

O'er mountains, thorough brambles, pits, and floods.

Heaven, I hope, will ease me: I am sick. Sits down.


Bel. Yonder's my lady. God knows I want nothing,

Because I do not wish to live; yet I

Will try her charity. [Aside.]—Oh hear, you that have plenty!

From that flowing store drop some on dry ground.—See,

The lively red is gone to guard her heart!

I fear she faints.—Madam, look up!—She breathes not.—

Open once more those rosy twins, and send

Unto my lord your latest farewell!—Oh, she stirs.—

How is it, madam? speak comfort.

Are. 'Tis not gently done,

To put me in a miserable life,

And hold me there. I prithee, let me go;

I shall do best without thee; I am well.


Phi. I am to blame to be so much in rage.

I'll tell her coolly when and where I heard

This killing truth. I will be temperate

In speaking, and as just in hearing.——

Oh, monstrous! Tempt me not, you gods! good gods,

Tempt me not a frail man! What's he, that has a heart,

But he must ease it here!

Bel. My lord, help, help! The princess!

Are. I am well: forbear.

Phi. [Aside.] Let me love lightning, let me be embrac'd

And kiss'd by scorpions, or adore the eyes

Of basilisks, rather than trust the tongues

Of hell-bred women! Some good god look down,

And shrink these veins up! Stick me here a stone

Lasting to ages in the memory

Of this damn'd act!—Hear me, you wicked ones!

You have put hills of fire into this breast,

Not to be quench'd with tears; for which may guilt

Sit on your bosoms! At your meals and beds

Despair await you! What, before my face?

Poison of asps between your lips! Diseases

Be your best issues! Nature make a curse,

And throw it on you!

Are. Dear Philaster, leave

To be enrag'd, and hear me.

Phi. I have done;

Forgive my passion. Not the calmed sea,

When Æolus locks up his windy brood,

Is less disturb'd than I. I'll make you know 't.

Dear Arethusa, do but take this sword, Offers his drawn sword.

And search how temperate a heart I have;

Then you and this your boy may live and reign

In lust without control.—Wilt thou, Bellario?

I prithee kill me; thou art poor, and may'st

Nourish ambitious thoughts; when I am dead,

Thy way were freer. Am I raging now?

If I were mad, I should desire to live.

Sirs,〖Formerly used to women as well as to men.〗 feel my pulse, whether you have known

A man in a more equal tune to die.

Bel. Alas, my lord, your pulse keeps madman's time!

So does your tongue.

Phi. You will not kill me, then?

Are. Kill you!

Bel. Not for the world.

Phi. I blame not thee,

Bellario; thou hast done but that which gods

Would have transform'd themselves to do. Be gone,

Leave me without reply; this is the last

Of all our meetings—Exit BELLARIO. Kill me with this sword;

Be wise, or worse will follow: we are two

Earth cannot bear at once. Resolve to do,

Or suffer.

Are. If my fortune be so good to let me fall

Upon thy hand, I shall have peace in death.

Yet tell me this, will there be no slanders,

No jealousy in the other world; no ill there?

Phi. No

Are. Show me, then, the way.

Phi. Then guide my feeble hand,

You that have power to do it, for I must

Perform a piece of justice!—If your youth

Have any way offended Heaven, let prayers

Short and effectual reconcile you to it.

Are. I am prepared.

Enter a Country Fellow

C. Fell. I'll see the King, if he be in the forest; I have hunted him these two hours. If I should come home and not see him, my sisters would laugh at me. I can see nothing but people better hors'd than myself, that out-ride me; I can hear nothing but shouting These kings had need of good brains; this whooping is able to put a mean man out of his wits. There's a courtier with his sword drawn; by this hand, upon a woman, I think!

Phi. Are you at peace?

Are. With heaven and earth.

Phi. May they divide thy soul and body! Wounds her.

C. Fell. Hold, dastard! strike a woman! Thou'rt a craven, I warrant thee; thou wouldst be loth to play half a dozen venies〖Bouts.〗 at wasters〖Cudgels.〗 with a good fellow for a broken head.

Phi. Leave us, good friend.

Are. What ill-bred man art thou, to intrude thyself

Upon our private sports, our recreation?

C. Fell. God 'uds〖God judge.〗 me, I understand you not; but

I know the rogue has hurt you.

Phi. Pursue thy own affairs: it will be ill

To multiply blood upon my head; which thou

Wilt force me to.

C. Fell. I know not your rhetoric; but I can lay it on, if you touch the woman.

Phi. Slave, take what thou deservest! They fight.

Are. Heavens guard my lord!

C. Fell. Oh, do you breathe?

Phi. I hear the tread of people. I am hurt.

The gods take part against me: could this boor

Have held me thus else? I must shift for life,

Though I do loathe it. I would find a course.

To lose it rather by my will than force. Exit.

C. Fell. I cannot follow the rogue. I pray thee, wench, come and kiss me now.


and Woodmen

Pha. What art thou?

C. Fell. Almost kill'd I am for a foolish woman; a knave has hurt her.

Pha. The princess, gentlemen!—Where's the wound, madam!Is it dangerous?

Are. He has not hurt me.

C. Fell. By God, she lies; h'as hurt her in the breast;

Look else.

Pha. O, sacred spring of innocent blood!

Dion. 'Tis above wonder! Who should dare this?

Are. I felt it not.

Pha. Speak, villain, who has hurt the princess?

C. Fell. Is it the princes?

Dion. Ay.

C. Fell. Then I have seen something yet.

Pha. But who has hurt her?

C. Fell. I told you, a rogue; I ne'er saw him before, I.

Pha. Madam, who did it?

Are. Some dishonest wretch;

Alas, I know him not, and do forgive him!

C. Fell. He's hurt too; he cannot go far; I made my father's old fox〖Broad sword.〗 fly about his ears.

Pha. How will you have me kill him?

Are. Not at all; 'tis some distracted fellow.

Pha. By this hand. I'll leave ne'er a piece of him bigger than a nut, and bring him all to you in my hat.

Are. Nay, good sir.

If you do take him, bring him quick〖Alive.〗 to me,

And I will study for a punishment

Great as his fault.

Pha. I will.

Are. But swear.

Pha. By all my love, I will.——

Woodmen, conduct the princess to the King,

And bear that wounded fellow to dressing.——

Come, gentlemen, we'll follow the chase close.

Exeunt [on one side] PHARAMOND, DION, CLEREMONT, and THRASILINE; [exit on the other] ARETHUSA [attended by the] First Woodman.

C. Fell. I pray you, friend, let me see the King.

2nd Wood. That you shall, and receive thanks.

C. Fell. If I get clear with this, I'll go see no more gay sights.


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