SCENE IV. [Another room in the same. ]


Face. Come, lady: I knew the doctor would not leave

Till he had found the very nick of her fortune.

Kas. To be a countess, say you?

[Face.]〖Folio gives this line also to Kastril.〗 A Spanish countess, sir.

Dame P. Why, is that better than an English countess?

Face. Better! 'Slight, make you that a question, lady?

Kas. Nay, she is a fool, captain, you must pardon her.

Face. Ask from your courtier to your inns-of-court-man,

To your mere milliner; they will tell you all,

Your Spanish jennet is the best horse; your Spanish

Stoop is the best garb;〖Bodily carriage.〗 your Spanish beard

Is the best cut; your Spanish ruffs are the best

Wear; your Spanish pavin the best dance;

Your Spanish titillation in a glove

The best perfume: and for your Spanish pike,

And Spanish blade, let your poor captain speak.—

Here comes the doctor.

[Enter SUBTLE with a paper]

Sub. My most honour'd lady,

For so I am now to style you, having found

By this my scheme,〖Horoscope.〗 you are to undergo

An honourable fortune very shortly,

What will you say now, if some——

Face. I ha' told her all, sir,

And her right worshipful brother here, that she shall be

A countess; do not delay 'em, sir; a Spanish countess.

Sub. Still, my scarce-worshipful captain, you can keep

No secret! Well, since he has told you, madam,

Do you forgive him, and I do.

Kas. She shall do that, sir;

I'll look to it, 'tis my charge.

Sub. Well then: nought rests

But that she fit her love now to her fortune.

Dame P. Truly I shall never brook a Spaniard.

Sub. No?

Dame P. Never sin' eighty-eight〖I. e., since 1588, the year of the “Invincible Armada.”〗 could I abide 'em,

And that was some three years afore I was born, in truth.

Sub. Come, you must love him, or be miserable;

Choose which you will.

Face. By this good rush, persuade her,

She will cry〖Sell on the street.〗 strawberries else within this twelve month.

Sub. Nay, shads and mackerel, which is worse.

Face. Indeed, sir!

Kas. God's lid, you shall love him, or I'll kick you.

Dame P. Why,

I'll do as you will ha' me, brother.

Kas. Do,

Or by this hand I'll maul you.

Face. Nay, good sir,

Be not so fierce.

Sub. No, my enraged child;

She will be rul'd. What, when she comes to taste

The pleasures of a countess! to be courted——

Face. And kiss'd, and ruffled!

Sub. Ay, behind the hangings.

Face. And then come forth in pomp!

Sub. And know her state!

Face. Of keeping all th' idolaters of the chamber

Barer to her, than at their prayers!

Sub. Is served

Upon the knee!

Face. And has her pages, ushers,

Footmen, and coaches——

Sub. Her six mares——

Face. Nay, eight!

Sub. To hurry her through London, to th' Exchange,〖There were shops in the Royal Exchange.〗

Bethlem,〖The madhouse was often visited for entertainment.〗 the China-houses〖Shops with merchandise from China.〗——

Face. Yes, and have

The citizens gape at her, and praise her tires,〖Head-dresses.〗

And my lord's goose-turd〖In greenish-yellow liveries.〗 bands, that rides with her!

Kas. Most brave! By this hand, you are not my suster

If you refuse.

Dame P. I will not refuse, brother.

[Enter SURLY]

Sur. Que es esto, senores, que non se venga?

Esta tardanza me mata!〖“Why doesn't she come, sirs? This delay is killing me.”〗

Face. It is the count come:

The doctor knew he would be here, by his art.

Sub. En gallanta madama, Don! gallantissima!

Sur. Por todos los dioses, la mas acabada hermosura, que he visto en ma vida!〖“By all the gods, the most perfect beauty I have seen in my life!”〗

Face. Is't not a gallant language that they speak?

Kas. An admirable language! Is't not French?

Face. No, Spanish, sir.

Kas. It goes like law French,

And that, they say, is the court-liest language.

Face. List, sir.

Sur. El sol ha perdido su lumbre, con el resplandor que trae esta dama! Valgame dios!〖“The sun has lost his light with the splendor this lady brings, so help me God.”〗

Face. H' admires your sister.

Kas. Must not she make curt'sy.

Sub. 'Ods will, she must go to him, man, and kiss him!

It is the Spanish fashion, for the women

To make first court.

Face. 'Tis true he tells you, sir:

His art knows all.

Sur. Porque no se acude?〖“Why don't you draw near?”〗

Kas. He speaks to her, I think.

Face. That he does, sir.

Sur. Por el amor de dios, que es esto que se tarda?〖“For the love of God, why this delay?”〗

Kas. Nay, see: she will not understand him! Gull,Noddy.

Dame P. What say you, brother?

Kas. Ass, my suster,

Go kuss him, as the cunning man would have you;

I'll thrust a pin in your buttocks else.

Face. O no, sir.

Sur. Senora mia, mi persona muy indigna esta allegar a tanta hermosura.〖“Madam, my person is unworthy to approach such beauty.”〗

Face. Does he not use her bravely?

Kas. Bravely, i' faith!

Face. Nay, he will use her better.

Kas. Do you think so?

Sur. Senora, si sera servida, entremos. 〖“Madam, at your service, let us go in.”〗

[Exit with Dame PLIANT.]

Kas. Where does he carry her?

Face. Into the garden, sir;

Take you no thought: I must interpret for her.

Sub. Give Dol the word. [Aside to FACE who goes out.]

—Come, my fierce child, advance,

We'll to our quarrelling lesson again.

Kas. Agreed.

I love a Spanish boy with all my heart.

Sub. Nay, and by this means, sir, you shall be brother

To a great count.

Kas. Ay, I knew that at first,

This match will advance the house of the Kastrils.

Sub. 'Pray God your sister prove but pliant!

Kas. Why,

Her name is so, by her other husband.

Sub. How!

Kas. The Widow Pliant. Knew you not that?

Sub. No, faith, sir;

Yet, by erection of her figure,〖By her horoscope, with a pun on her bearing.〗 I guess'd it.

Come, let's go practise.

Kas. Yes, but do you think, doctor,

I e'er shall quarrel well?

Sub. I warrant you. [Exeunt.]

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