[SCENE IV]〖Near Tynemouth Castle〗


K. EDW. O tell me, Spencer, where is Gaveston?

SPEN. I fear he is slain, my gracious lord.

K. EDW. No, here he comes; now let them spoil and kill.


GAVESTON, and Nobles]

Fly, fly, my lords, the earls have got the hold;

Take shipping and away to Scarborough;

Spencer and I will post away by land.

GAV. O stay, my lord, they will not injure you.

K. EDW. I will not trust them; Gaveston, away!

GAV. Farewell, my lord.

K. EDW. Lady, farewell.

NIECE. Farewell, sweet uncle, till we meet again.

K. EDW. Farewell, sweet Gaveston; and farewell, niece.

Q. ISAB. No farewell to poor Isabel thy queen?

K. EDW. Yes, yes, for Mortimer, your lover’s sake.

Exeunt all but QUEEN ISABELLA.

Q. ISAB. Heavens can witness I love none but you:

From my embracements thus he breaks away.

O that mine arms could close this isle about,

That I might pull him to me where I would!

Or that these tears that drizzle from mine eyes

Had power to mollify his stony heart,

That when I had him we might never part.


and others. Alarums

LAN. I wonder how he scap’d!

Y. MOR. Who’s this? The queen!

Q. ISAB. Ay, Mortimer, the miserable queen,

Whose pining heart her inward sighs have blasted,

And body with continual mourning wasted:

These hands are tir’d with haling of my lord

From Gaveston, from wicked Gaveston,

And all in vain; for, when I speak him fair,

He turns away, and smiles upon his minion.

Y. MOR. Cease to lament, and tell us where’s the king?

Q. ISAB. What would you with the king? Is’t him you seek?

LAN. No, madam, but that cursed Gaveston.

Far be it from the thought of Lancaster

To offer violence to his sovereign.

We would but rid the realm of Gaveston:

Tell us where he remains, and he shall die.

Q. ISAB. He’s gone by water unto Scarborough;

Pursue him quickly, and he cannot ’scape;

The king hath left him, and his train is small.

WAR. Foreslow〖Delay.〗 no time, sweet Lancaster; let’s march.

Y. MOR. How comes it that the king and he is parted?

Q. ISAB. That thus your army, going several ways,

Might be of lesser force; and with the power

That he intendeth presently〖Immediately.〗 to raise,

Be easily suppress’d; therefore be gone.

Y. MOR. Here in the river rides a Flemish hoy;

Let’s all aboard, and follow him amain.

LAN. The wind that bears him hence will fill our sails:

Come, come aboard, ’tis but an hour’s sailing.

Y. MOR. Madam, stay you within this castle here.

Q. ISAB. No, Mortimer, I’ll to my lord the king.

Y. MOR. Nay, rather sail with us to Scarborough.

Q. ISAB. You know the king is so suspicious,

As if he hear I have but talk’d with you,

Mine honour will be call’d in question;

And therefore, gentle Mortimer, be gone.

Y. MOR. Madam, I cannot stay to answer you,

But think of Mortimer as he deserves.

[Exeunt all except QUEEN ISABELLA.]

Q. ISAB. So well hast thou deserv’d sweet Mortimer,

As Isabel could live with thee for ever!

In vain I look for love at Edward’s hand,

Whose eyes are fix’d on none but Gaveston;

Yet once more I’ll importune him with prayers.

If he be strange and not regard my words,

My son and I will over into France,

And to the king my brother there complain,

How Gaveston hath robb’d me of his love:

But yet I hope my sorrows will have end,

And Gaveston this blessed day be slain. Exit.

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