205. A True, and a Good Servant, are the same Thing.
206. But no Servant is True to his Master, that Defrauds him.
207. Now there are many Ways of Defrauding a Master, as, of Time, Care, Pains, Respect, and Reputation, as well as Money.
208. He that Neglects his Work, Robs his Master, since he is Fed and Paid as if he did his Best; and he that is not as Diligent in the Absence, as in the Presence of his Master, cannot be a true Servant.
209. Nor is he a true Servant, that buys dear to share in the Profit with the Seller.
210. Nor yet he that tells Tales without Doors; or deals basely in his Master's Name with other People; or Connives at others Loyterings, Wasteings, or dishonorable Reflections.
211. So that a true Servant is Diligent, Secret, and Respectful: More Tender of his Master's Honor and Interest, than of his own Profit.
212. Such a Servant deserves well, and if Modest under his Merit, should liberally feel it at his Master's Hand.