Hippolytus request to see me here!

Hippolytus desire to bid farewell!

Is't true, Ismene? Are you not deceived?


This is the first result of Theseus' death.

Prepare yourself to see from every side.

Hearts turn towards you that were kept away

By Theseus. Mistress of her lot at last,

Aricia soon shall find all Greece fall low,

To do her homage.


'Tis not then, Ismene,

An idle tale? Am I no more a slave?

Have I no enemies?


The gods oppose

Your peace no longer, and the soul of Theseus

Is with your brothers.


Does the voice of fame

Tell how he died?


Rumours incredible

Are spread. Some say that, seizing a new bride,

The faithless husband by the waves was swallow'd.

Others affirm, and this report prevails,

That with Pirithoüs to the world below

He went, and saw the shores of dark Cocytus,

Showing himself alive to the pale ghosts;

But that he could not leave those gloomy realms,

Which whoso enters there abides for ever.


Shall I believe that ere his destined hour

A mortal may descend into the gulf

Of Hades? What attraction could o'ercome

Its terrors?


He is dead, and you alone

Doubt it. The men of Athens mourn his loss.

Trœzen already hails Hippolytus

As King. And Phœdra, fearing for her son,

Asks counsel of the friends who share her trouble,

Here in this palace.


Will Hippolytus,

Think you, prove kinder than his sire, make light

My chains, and pity my misfortunes?



I think so, Madam.


Ah, you know him not

Or you would never deem so hard a heart

Can pity feel, or me alone except

From the contempt in which he holds our sex.

Has he not long avoided every spot

Where we resort?


I know what tales are told

Of proud Hippolytus, but I have seen

Him near you, and have watch'd with curious eye

How one esteem'd so cold would bear himself.

Little did his behavior correspond

With what I look'd for; in his face confusion

Appear'd at your first glance, he could not turn

His languid eyes away, but gazed on you.

Love is a word that may offend his pride,

But what the tongue disowns, looks can betray.


How eagerly my heart hears what you say,

Tho' it may be delusion, dear Ismene!

Did it seem possible to you, who know me,

That I, sad sport of a relentless Fate,

Fed upon bitter tears by night and day,

Could ever taste the maddening draught of love?

The last frail offspring of a royal race,

Children of Earth, I only have survived

War's fury. Cut off in the flow'r of youth,

Mown by the sword, six brothers have I lost,

The hope of an illustrious house, whose blood

Earth drank with sorrow, near akin to his

Whom she herself produced. Since then, you know

How thro' all Greece no heart has been allow'd

To sigh for me, lest by a sister's flame

The brothers' ashes be perchance rekindled.

You know, besides, with what disdain I view'd

My conqueror's suspicions and precautions,

And how, oppos'd as I have ever been

To love, I often thank'd the King's injustice

Which happily confirm'd my inclination.

But then I never had beheld his son.

Not that, attracted merely by the eye,

I love him for his beauty and his grace,

Endowments which he owes to Nature's bounty,

Charms which he seems to know not or to scorn.

I love and prize in him riches more rare,

The virtues of his sire, without his faults.

I love, as I must own, that generous pride

Which ne'er has stoop'd beneath the amorous yoke.

Phœdra reaps little glory from a lover

So lavish of his sighs; I am too proud

To share devotion with a thousand others,

Or enter where the door is always open.

But to make one who ne'er has stoop'd before

Bend his proud neck, to pierce a heart of stone,

To bind a captive whom his chains astonish,

Who vainly 'gainst a pleasing yoke rebels,—

That piques my ardour, and I long for that.

'Twas easier to disarm the god of strength

Than this Hippolytus, for Hercules

Yielded so often to the eyes of beauty,

As to make triumph cheap. But, dear Ismene,

I take too little heed of opposition

Beyond my pow'r to quell, and you may hear me,

Humbled by sore defeat, upbraid the pride

I now admire. What! Can he love? and I

Have had the happiness to bend—


He comes

Yourself shall hear him.




Lady, ere I go

My duty bids me tell you of your change

Of fortune. My worst fears are realized;

My sire is dead. Yes, his protracted absence

Was caused as I foreboded. Death alone,

Ending his toils, could keep him from the world

Conceal'd so long. The gods at last have doom'd

Alcides' friend, companion, and successor.

I think your hatred, tender to his virtues,

Can hear such terms of praise without resentment,

Knowing them due. One hope have I that soothes

My sorrow: I can free you from restraint.

Lo, I revoke the laws whose rigour moved

My pity; you are at your own disposal,

Both heart and hand; here, in my heritage,

In Trœzen, where my grandshire Pittheus reign'd

Of yore and I am now acknowledged King,

I leave you free, free as myself,—and more.


Your kindness is too great, 'tis overwhelming.

Such generosity, that pays disgrace

With honour, lends more force than you can think

To those harsh laws from which you would release me.


Athens, uncertain how to fill the throne

Of Theseus, speaks of you, anon of me,

And then of Phœdra's son.


Of me, my lord?


I know myself excluded by strict law:

Greece turns to my reproach a foreign mother.

But if my brother were my only rival,

My rights prevail o'er his clearly enough

To make me careless of the law's caprice.

My forwardness is check'd by juster claims:

To you I yield my place, or, rather, own

That it is yours by right, and yours the sceptre,

As handed down from Earth's great son, Erechtheus.

Adoption placed it in the hands of Ægeus:

Athens, by him protected and increased,

Welcomed a king so generous as my sire,

And left your hapless brothers in oblivion.

Now she invites you back within her walls;

Protracted strife has cost her groans enough,

Her fields are glutted with your kinsmen's blood

Fatt'ning the furrows out of which it sprung

At first. I rule this Trœzen; while the son

Of Phœdra has in Crete a rich domain.

Athens is yours. I will do all I can

To join for you the votes divided now

Between us.


Stunn'd at all I hear, my lord,

I fear, I almost fear a dream deceives me.

Am I indeed awake? Can I believe

Such generosity? What god has put it

Into your heart? Well is the fame deserved

That you enjoy! That fame falls short of truth!

Would you for me prove traitor to yourself?

Was it not boon enough never to hate me,

So long to have abstain'd from harbouring

The enmity—


To hate you? I, to hate you?

However darkly my fierce pride was painted,

Do you suppose a monster gave me birth?

What savage temper, what envenom'd hatred

Would not be mollified at sight of you?

Could I resist the soul-bewitching charm—


Why, what is this, Sir?


I have said too much

Not to say more. Prudence in vain resists

The violence of passion. I have broken

Silence at last, and I must tell you now

The secret that my heart can hold no longer.

You see before you an unhappy instance

Of hasty pride, a prince who claims compassion

I, who, so long the enemy of Love,

Mock'd at his fetters and despised his captives,

Who, pitying poor mortals that were shipwreck'd,

In seeming safety view'd the storms from land,

Now find myself to the same fate exposed,

Toss'd to and fro upon a sea of troubles!

My boldness has been vanquish'd in a moment,

And humbled is the pride wherein I boasted.

For nearly six months past, ashamed, despairing,

Bearing where'er I go the shaft that rends

My heart, I struggle vainly to be free

From you and from myself; I shun you, present;

Absent, I find you near; I see your form

In the dark forest depths; the shades of night,

Nor less broad daylight, bring back to my view

The charms that I avoid; all things conspire

To make Hippolytus your slave. For fruit

Of all my bootless sighs, I fail to find

My former self. My bow and javelins

Please me no more, my chariot is forgotten,

With all the Sea God's lessons; and the woods

Echo my groans instead of joyous shouts

Urging my fiery steeds.

Hearing this tale

Of passion so uncouth, you blush perchance

At your own handiwork. With what wild words

I offer you my heart, strange captive held

By silken jess! But dearer in your eyes

Should be the offering, that this language comes

Strange to my lips; reject not vows express'd

So ill, which but for you had ne'er been form'd




Prince, the Queen comes. I herald her approach.

'Tis you she seeks.




What her thought may be

I know not. But I speak on her behalf.

She would converse with you ere you go hence.


What shall I say to her? Can she expect—


You cannot, noble Prince, refuse to hear her,

Howe'er convinced she is your enemy,

Some shade of pity to her tears is due.


Shall we part thus? and will you let me go,

Not knowing if my boldness has offended

The goddess I adore? Whether this heart,

Left in your hands—


Go, Prince, pursue the schemes

Your generous soul dictates, make Athens own

My sceptre. All the gifts you offer me

Will I accept, but this high throne of empire

Is not the one most precious in my sight.




Friend, is all ready?

But the Queen approaches.

Go, see the vessel in fit trim to sail.

Haste, bid the crew aboard, and hoist the signal:

Then soon return, and so deliver me

From interview most irksome




There I see him!

My blood forgets to flow, my tongue to speak

What I am come to say.


Think of your son,

How all his hopes depend on you.


I hear

You leave us, and in haste. I come to add

My tears to your distress, and for a son

Plead my alarm. No more has he a father,

And at no distant day my son must witness

My death. Already do a thousand foes

Threaten his youth. You only can defend him

But in my secret heart remorse awakes,

And fear lest I have shut your ears against

His cries. I tremble lest your righteous anger

Visit on him ere long the hatred earn'd

By me, his mother.


No such base resentment,

Madam, is mine.


I could not blame you, Prince,

If you should hate me. I have injured you:

So much you know, but could not read my heart.

T' incur your enmity has been mine aim.

The self-same borders could not hold us both;

In public and in private I declared

Myself your foe, and found no peace till seas

Parted us from each other. I forbade

Your very name to be pronounced before me.

And yet if punishment should be proportion'd

To the offence, if only hatred draws

Your hatred, never woman merited

More pity, less deserved your enmity


A mother jealous of her children's rights

Seldom forgives the offspring of a wife

Who reign'd before her. Harassing suspicions

Are common sequels of a second marriage.

Of me would any other have been jealous

No less than you, perhaps more violent.


Ah, Prince, how Heav'n has from the general law

Made me exempt, be that same Heav'n my witness!

Far different is the trouble that devours me!


This is no time for self-reproaches, Madam.

It may be that your husband still beholds

The light, and Heav'n may grant him safe return,

In answer to our prayers. His guardian god

Is Neptune, ne'er by him invoked in vain.


He who has seen the mansions of the dead

Returns not thence. Since to those gloomy shores

Theseus is gone, 'tis vain to hope that Heav'n

May send him back. Prince, there is no release

From Acheron's greedy maw. And yet, methinks,

He lives, and breathes in you. I see him still

Before me, and to him I seem to speak;

My heart—

Oh! I am mad; do what I will,

I cannot hide my passion.


Yes, I see

The strange effects of love. Theseus, tho' dead,

Seems present to your eyes, for in your soul

There burns a constant flame.


Ah, yes for Theseus

I languish and I long, not as the Shades

Have seen him, of a thousand different forms

The fickle lover, and of Pluto's bride

The would-be ravisher, but faithful, proud

E'en to a slight disdain, with youthful charms

Attracting every heart, as gods are painted,

Or like yourself. He had your mien, your eyes,

Spoke and could blush like you, when to the isle

Of Crete, my childhood's home, he cross'd the waves,

Worthy to win the love of Minos' daughters.

What were you doing then? Why did he gather

The flow'r of Greece, and leave Hippolytus?

Oh, why were you too young to have embark'd

On board the ship that brought thy sire to Crete?

At your hands would the monster then have perish'd,

Despite the windings of his vast retreat.

To guide your doubtful steps within the maze

My sister would have arm'd you with the clue.

But no, therein would Phœdra have forestall'd her,

Love would have first inspired me with the thought;

And I it would have been whose timely aid

Had taught you all the labyrinth's crooked ways.

What anxious care a life so dear had cost me!

No thread had satisfied your lover's fears:

I would myself have wish'd to lead the way,

And share the peril you were bound to face;

Phœdra with you would have explored the maze,

With you emerged in safety, or have perish'd.


Gods! What is this I hear? Have you forgotten

That Theseus is my father and your husband?


Why should you fancy I have lost remembrance

Thereof, and am regardless of mine honour?


Forgive me, Madam. With a blush I own

That I misconstrued words of innocence.

For very shame I cannot bear your sight

Longer. I go—


Ah! cruel Prince, too well

You understood me. I have said enough

To save you from mistake. I love. But think not

That at the moment when I love you most

I do not feel my guilt; no weak compliance

Has fed the poison that infects my brain.

The ill-starr'd object of celestial vengeance,

I am not so detestable to you

As to myself. The gods will bear me witness,

Who have within my veins kindled this fire,

The gods, who take a barbarous delight

In leading a poor mortal's heart astray.

Do you yourself recall to mind the past:

'Twas not enough for me to fly, I chased you

Out of the country, wishing to appear

Inhuman, odious; to resist you better,

I sought to make you hate me. All in vain!

Hating me more I loved you none the less:

New charms were lent to you by your misfortunes.

I have been drown'd in tears, and scorch'd by fire;

Your own eyes might convince you of the truth,

If for one moment you could look at me.

What is't I say? Think you this vile confession

That I have made is what I meant to utter?

Not daring to betray a son for whom

I trembled, 'twas to beg you not to hate him

I came. Weak purpose of a heart too full

Of love for you to speak of aught besides!

Take your revenge, punish my odious passion;

Prove yourself worthy of your valiant sire,

And rid the world of an offensive monster!

Does Theseus' widow dare to love his son?

The frightful monster! Let her not escape you!

Here is my heart. This is the place to strike.

Already prompt to expiate its guilt,

I feel it leap impatiently to meet

Your arm. Strike home. Or, if it would disgrace you

To steep your hand in such polluted blood,

If that were punishment too mild to slake

Your hatred, lend me then your sword, if not

Your arm. Quick, give't.


What, Madam, will you do?

Just gods! But someone comes. Go, fly from shame,

You cannot 'scape if seen by any thus.




Is that the form of Phœdra that I see

Hurried away? What mean these signs of sorrow?

Where is your sword? Why are you pale, confused?


Friend, let us fly. I am, indeed, confounded

With horror and astonishment extreme.

Phœdra—but no; gods, let this dreadful secret

Remain for ever buried in oblivion.


The ship is ready if you wish to sail.

But Athens has already giv'n her vote;

Their leaders have consulted all her tribes;

Your brother is elected, Phœdra wins.




A herald, charged with a commission

From Athens, has arrived to place the reins

Of power in her hands. Her son is King.


Ye gods, who know her, do ye thus reward

Her virtue?


A faint rumour meanwhile whispers

That Theseus is not dead, but in Epirus

Has shown himself. But, after all my search,

I know too well—


Let nothing be neglected.

This rumour must be traced back to its source.

If it be found unworthy of belief,

Let us set sail, and cost whate'er it may,

To hands deserving trust the sceptre's sway.

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