ARGUMENT.—Journeying along the pier, which crosses the sand, they are now so near the end of it as to hear the noise of the stream falling into the eighth circle, when they meet the spirits of three military men; who judging Dante, from his dress, to be a countryman of theirs, entreat him to stop. He complies and speaks with them. The two Poets then reach the place where the water descends, being the termination of this third compartment in the seventh circle; and here Virgil, having thrown down into the hollow a cord, wherewith Dante was girt, they behold at that signal a monstrous and horrible figure come swimming up to them.

NOW came I where the water's din was heard

As down it fell into the other round,

Resounding like the hum of swarming bees:

When forth together issued from a troop,

That pass'd beneath the fierce tormenting storm,

Three spirits, running swift. They toward us came,

And each one cried aloud, “Oh! do thou stay,

Whom, by the fashion of thy garb, we deem

To be some inmate of our evil land.”

Ah me! what wounds I mark'd upon their limbs,

Recent and old, inflicted by the flames.

E'en the remembrance of them grieves me yet.

Attentive to their cry, my teacher paused,

And turned to me his visage, and then spake:

“Wait now: our courtesy these merit well:

And were't not for the nature of the place,

Whence glide the fiery darts, I should have said,

That haste had better suited thee than them.”

They, when we stopp'd, resumed their ancient wail,

And, soon as they had reach'd us, all the three

Whirl'd round together in one restless wheel.

As naked champions, smear'd with slippery oil

Are wont, intent, to watch their place of hold

And vantage, ere in closer strife they meet;

Thus each one, as he wheel'd, his countenance

At me directed, so that opposite

The neck moved ever to the twinkling feet.

“If woe of this unsound and dreary waste,”

Thus one began, “added to our sad cheer

Thus peel'd with flame, do call forth scorn on us

And our entreaties, let our great renown

Incline thee to inform us who thou art,

That dost imprint, with living feet unharm'd,

The soil of Hell. He, in whose track thou seest

My steps pursuing, naked though he be

And reft of all, was of more high estate

Than thou believest; grandchild of the chaste

Gualdrada,〖Gualdrada.” Gualdrada was the daughter of Bellincione Berti, of whom mention is made in the Paradise, Cantos xv and xvi. He was of the family of Ravignani, a branch of the Adimari. The Emperor Otho IV being at a festival in Florence, where Gualdrada was present, was struck with her beauty; and inquiring who she was, was answered by Bellincione, that she was the daughter of one who, if it was his Majesty's pleasure, would make her admit the honor of his salute. On overhearing this, she arose from her seat, and blushing, desired her father that he would not be so liberal in his offers. The Emperor was delighted by her resolute modesty, and calling to him Guido, one of his barons, gave her to him in marriage; at the same time raising him to the rank of a count, and bestowing on her the whole of Casentino, and a part of the territory of Romagna, as her portion. Two sons were the offspring of this union, Guglielmo and Ruggieri; the latter was father of Guidoguerra, who, at the head of four hundred Florentines of the Guelf party, was signally instrumental to the victory of Charles of Anjou at Benevento, over Manfredi, King of Naples, in 1265. One consequence of this was the expulsion of the Ghibellini and the re-establishment of the Guelfi at Florence.〗 him they Guidoguerra call'd,

Who in his lifetime many a noble act

Achieved, both by his wisdom and his sword.

The other, next to me that beats the sand,

Is Aldobrandi,〖Tegghiaio Aldobrandi endeavored to dissuade the Florentines from the attack which they meditated against the Siennese; the rejection of his counsel occasioned the defeat which the former sustained at Montaperto, and the consequent banishment of the Guelfi from Florence.〗 name deserving well,

In the upper world, of honor; and myself,

Who in this torment do partake with them,

Am Rusticucci,〖Giacopo Rusticucci, a Florentine, remarkable for his opulence and generosity of spirit.〗 whom, past doubt, my wife,

Of savage temper, more than aught beside

Hath to this evil brought.” If from the fire

I had been shelter'd, down amidst them straight

I then had cast me; nor my guide, I deem,

Would have restrain'd my going: but that fear

Of the dire burning vanquish'd the desire,

Which made me eager of their wish'd embrace.

I then began: “Nor scorn, but grief much more,

Such as long time alone can cure, your doom

Fix'd deep within me, soon as this my lord

Spake words, whose tenor taught me to expect

That such a race, as ye are, was at hand.

I am a countryman of yours, who still

Affectionate have utter'd, and have heard

Your deeds and names renown'd. Leaving the gall,

For the sweet fruit I go, that a sure guide

Hath promised to me. But behoves, that far

As to the centre first I downward tend.”

“So may long space thy spirit guide thy limbs,”

He answer straight return'd; “and so thy fame

Shine bright when thou art gone, as thou shalt tell,

If courtesy and valor, as they wont,

Dwell in our city, or have vanish'd clean:

For one amidst us late condemn'd to wail,

Borsiere,〖Guglielmo Borsiere, a Florentine, whom Boccaccio terms “a man of courteous and elegant manners, and of great readiness in conversation.”〗 yonder walking with his peers,

Grieves us no little by the news he brings.”

“An upstart multitude and sudden gains,

Pride and excess, O Florence! have in thee

Engender'd, so that now in tears thou mourn'st!”

Thus cried I, with my face upraised, and they

All three, who for an answer took my words,

Look'd at each other, as men look when truth

Comes to their ear. “If at so little cost,”

They all at once rejoin'd, “thou satisfy

Others who question thee, O happy thou!

Gifted with words so apt to speak thy thought.

Wherefore, if thou escape this darksome clime,

Returning to behold the radiant stars,

When thou with pleasure shalt retrace the past,〖“Quando ti gioverà dicere io fui.” So Tasso, “G.L.” c. xv. st. 38: “Quando mi gioverà narrar altruiLe novità vedute, e dire; io fui.”〗

See that of us thou speak among mankind.”

This said, they broke the circle, and so swift

Fled, that as pinions seem'd their nimble feet.

Not in so short a time might one have said

“Amen,” as they had vanish'd. Straight my guide

Pursued his track. I follow'd: and small space

Had we past onward, when the water's sound

Was now so near at hand, that we had scarce

Heard one another's speech for the loud din.

E'en as the river,〖He compares the fall of Phlegethon to that of the Montone (a river in Romagna) form the Apennines above the Abbey of St. Benedict. All the other streams that rise between the sources of the Po and the Montone, and fall from the left side of the Apennines, join the Po and accompany it to the sea.〗 that first holds its course

Unmingled from the Mount of Vesulo,

On the left side of Apennine, toward

The east, which Acquacheta higher up

They call, ere it descend into the vale,

At Forli,〖There it loses the name of Acquacheta, and takes that of Montone.〗 by that name no longer known,

Rebellows o'er Saint Benedict, roll'd on

From the Alpine summit down a precipice,

Where space〖Either because the abbey was capable of containing more than those who occupied it, or because (says Landino) the lords of that territory had intended to build a castle near the water-fall, and to collect within its walls the population of the neighboring villages.〗 enough to lodge a thousand spreads;

Thus downward from a craggy steep we found

That this dark wave resounded, roaring loud,

So that the ear its clamour soon had stunn'd.

I had a cord〖“A cord.” It is believed that our poet in early life, had entered into the order of St. Francis. By observing the rules of that profession he had designed “to take the painted leopard” (that animal represented Pleasure) “with this cord.”)〗 that braced my girdle round,

Wherewith I erst had thought fast bound to take

The painted leopard. This when I had all

Unloosen'd from me (so my master bade)

I gather'd up, and stretch'd it forth to him.

Then to the right he turn'd, and from the brink

Standing few paces distant, cast it down

Into the deep abyss. “And somewhat strange,”

Thus to myself I spake, “signal so strange

Betokens, which my guide with earnest eye

Thus follows.” Ah! what caution must men use

With those who look not at the deed alone,

But spy into the thoughts with subtle skill.

“Quickly shall come,” he said, “what I expect;

Thine eye discover quickly that, whereof

Thy thought is dreaming.” Ever to that truth,

Which but the semblance of a falsehood wears,

A man, if possible, should bar his lip;

Since, although blameless, he incurs reproach.

But silence here were vain; and by these notes,

Which now I sing, reader, I swear to thee,

So may they favor find to latest times!

That through the gross and murky air I spied

A shape come swimming up, that might have quell'd

The stoutest heart with wonder; in such guise

As one returns, who hath been down to loose

An anchor grappled fast against some rock,

Or to aught else that in the salt wave lies,

Who, upward springing, close draws in his feet.

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