ARGUMENT.—Dante, following Virgil, comes to the gate of Hell; where, after having read the dreadful words that are written thereon, they both enter. Here, as he understands from Virgil, those were punished who had passed their time (for living it could not be called) in a state of apathy and indifference both to good and evil. Then, pursuing their way, they arrive at the river Acheron; and there find the old ferryman Charon, who takes the spirits over to the opposite shore; which, as soon as Dante reaches, he is seized with terror, and falls into a trance.

“THROUGH me you pass into the city of woe:

Through me you pass into eternal pain:

Through me among the people lost for aye.

Justice the founder of my fabric moved:

To rear me was the task of Power divine,

Supremest Wisdom, and primeval Love.〖“Power,” Wisdom,” “Love,” the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity.〗

Before me things create were none, save things

Eternal, and eternal I endure.

All hope abandon, ye who enter here.”

Such characters, in color dim, I mark'd

Over a portal's lofty arch inscribed.

Whereat I thus: “Master, these words import

Hard meaning.” He as one prepared replied:

“Here thou must all distrust behind thee leave;

Here be vile fear extinguish'd. We are come

Where I have told thee we shall see the souls

To misery doom'd, who intellectual good

Have lost.” And when his hand he had stretch'd forth

To mine, with pleasant looks, whence I was cheer'd,

Into that secret place he led me on.

Here sighs, with lamentations and loud moans,

Resounded through the air pierced by no star,

That e'en I wept at entering. Various tongues,

Horrible languages, outcries of woe,

Accents of anger, voices deep and hoarse,

With hands together smote that swell'd the sounds,

Made up a tumult, that forever whirls

Round through that air with solid darkness stain'd,

Like to the sand that in the whirlwind flies.

I then, with error〖The correct translation is “horror,” not “error.”—Editor's note.〗 yet encompast, cried:

“O master! what is this I hear? what race

Are these, who seem so overcome with woe?”

He thus to me: “This miserable fate

Suffer the wretched souls of those, who lived

Without or praise or blame, with that ill band

Of angels mix'd, who nor rebellious proved,

Nor yet were true to God, but for themselves

Were only. From his bounds Heaven drove them forth

Not to impair his lustre; nor the depth

Of Hell receives them, lest the accursed tribe

Should glory thence with exultation vain.”

I then: “Master! what doth aggrieve them thus,

That they lament so loud?” He straight replied:

“That will I tell thee briefly. These of death

No hope may entertain: and their blind life

So meanly passes, that all other lots

They envy. Fame of them the world hath none,

Nor suffers; Mercy and Justice scorn them both.

Speak not of them, but look, and pass them by.”

And I, who straightway look'd, beheld a flag,

Which whirling ran around so rapidly,

That it no pause obtain'd: and following came

Such a long train of spirits, I should ne'er

Have thought that death so many had despoil'd.

When some of these I recognized, I saw

And knew the shade of him, who to base fear〖This is commonly understood of Celestine V, who abdicated the papal power in 1249. Venturi mentions a work written by Innocenzio Barcellini, of the Celestine order, and printed at Milan in 1701, in which an attempt is made to put a different interpretation on this passage. Lombardi would apply it to some one of Dante's fellow-citizens, who, refusing, through avarice or want of spirit, to support the party of the Bianchi at Florence, had been the main occasion of the miseries that befell them. But the testimony of Fazio degli Uberti, who lived so near the time of our author, seems almost decisive on this point. He expressly speaks of the Pope Celestine as being in Hell.〗

Yielding, abjured his high estate. Forthwith

I understood, for certain, this the tribe

Of those ill spirits both to God displeasing

And to His foes. These wretches, who ne'er lived,

Went on in nakedness, and sorely stung

By wasps and hornets, which bedew'd their cheeks

With blood, that, mix'd with tears, dropp'd to their feet,

And by disgustful worms was gather'd there.

Then looking further onwards, I beheld

A throng upon the shore of a great stream:

Whereat I thus: “Sir! grant me now to know

Whom here we view, and whence impell'd they seem

So eager to pass o'er, as I discern

Through the blear light?” He thus to me in few:

“This shalt thou know, soon as our steps arrive

Beside the woful tide of Acheron.”

Then with eyes downward cast, and fill'd with shame,

Fearing my words offensive to his ear,

Till we had reach'd the river, I from speech

Abstain'd. And lo! toward us in a bark

Comes on an old man, hoary white with eld,

Crying, “Woe to you, wicked spirits! hope not

Ever to see the sky again. I come

To take you to the other shore across,

Into eternal darkness, there to dwell

In fierce heat and in ice. And thou, who there

Standest, live spirit! get thee hence, and leave

These who are dead.” But soon as he beheld

I left them not, “By other way,” said he,

“By other haven shalt thou come to shore,

Not by this passage; thee a nimbler boat

Must carry.” Then to him thus spake my guide:

“Charon! thyself torment not: so 'tis will'd,

Where will and power are one: ask thou no more.”

Straightway in silence fell the shaggy cheeks

Of him, the boatman o'er the livid lake,

Around whose eyes glared wheeling flames. Meanwhile

Those spirits, faint and naked, color changed,

And gnash'd their teeth, soon as the cruel words

They heard. God and their parents they blasphemed,

The human kind, the place, the time, and seed,

That did engender them and give them birth,

Then all together sorely wailing drew

To the curst strand, that every man must pass

Who fears not God. Charon, demoniac form,

With eyes of burning coal, collects them all,

Beckoning, and each, that lingers, with his oar

Strikes. As fall off the light autumnal leaves

One still another following, till the bough

Strews all its honours on the earth beneath;

E'en in like manner Adam's evil brood

Cast themselves, one by one, down from the shore,

Each at a beck, as falcon at his call.〖“As a falcon at his call.” This is Vellutello's explanation, and seems preferable to that commonly given: “as a bird that is enticed to the cage by the call of another.”〗

Thus go they over through the umber'd wave;

And ever they on the opposing bank

Be landed, on this side another throng

Still gathers. “Son,” thus spake the courteous guide,

“Those who die subject to the wrath of God

All here together come from every clime

And to o'erpass the river are not loth:

For so Heaven's justice goads them on, that fear

Is turn'd into desire. Hence ne'er hath past

Good spirit. If of thee Charon complain,

Now mayst thou know the import of his words.”

This said, the gloomy region trembling shook

So terribly, that yet with clammy dews

Fear chills my brow. The sad earth gave a blast,

That, lightening, shot forth a vermilion flame,

Which all my senses conquer'd quite, and I

Down dropp'd, as one with sudden slumber seized.

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